Who are you?

You’re a woman with a story to tell, and no one is going to stop you.

You’ve dreamed of writing that book.
Maybe you’re already writing it.
Maybe you’ve written one before.

But the thing that brings us together here is the deep-rooted, core belief that more women should be writing more nonfiction. Our bookshelves should burst with women’s authority. Our list of go-to books should have an endless supply of women authors on it.

We are making that happen. One book at a time. Your book is one of them.

And, of course, if you happen to just love writing and reading and women and nonfiction in general, stick around. We’ll inspire you!

Who am I?

I’m Caroline, a book coach, developmental editor, and world-traveling historian.

I have been called a “lady historian” too many times to count.

This newsletter, and my entire coaching & editing business, The Write Malloy, are determined to blow up that term. We’re not “lady writers,” we’re “writers.”

And we’re damn good at it, too!

Why subscribe?

It’s free and easy. Never miss an update. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

New newsletters come out once or twice a month. Stick around for writing tips, industry insights, book reviews, discussions, and interviews with amazing women in the nonfiction writing world, from authors to book marketers and everything in between.

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Subscribe to Great Women Write Great Nonfiction

A resource & conversation for bold, overachieving women writing incredible nonfiction and changing the world one book at a time.


Book Coach, Developmental Editor & Historian. I support amazing women - Dynamic Scholars, C-Suite Ceiling-Breakers, Passionate Creatives - writing powerful and necessary nonfiction. Lover of dogs, travel, Chicago, and Steve.